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HoloMind Therapy Spiritual Emergence Support and Spiritual Emergency Support

Spiritual emergence

Psychotherapy for individuals on a psycho-spiritual journey of inner healing and personal growth.

Into the Unknown Together

The terms Spiritual Emergence and Emergency were created by Stanislav and Christina Grof, who are foundational researchers in the field of Transpersonal psychology and non-ordinary states of awareness. Grof defined spiritual emergence as, "the movement of an individual to a more expanded way of being that involves enhanced emotional and psychosomatic health, greater freedom of personal choices, and a sense of deeper connection with other people, nature, and the cosmos. An important part of this development is an increasing awareness of the spiritual dimension in one's life and in the universal scheme of things."


A Spiritual Emergency can occur when this expansion happens quickly and evolves into a transpersonal crisis. One may undergo experiences such as ego disintegration, psychosis, strong emotions, other sensory perception, unusual thoughts, and physical symptoms.

Signs of Emergence

  • Inner experiences are fluid, mild, easy to integrate.

  • New spiritual insights are welcome, desirable, expansive.

  • Gradual infusion of ideas and insights into life.

  • Experiences of energy are contained and manageable.

  • More easily incorporate non-ordinary states of consciousness into daily life.

  • Slow, gradual change in awareness of self and world.

  • Ambivalence toward inner experiences, but willingness and ability to cooperate with them using guidance.

  • Excitement about inner experiences as they arise, willingness and ability to cooperate with them.

  • Accepting attitude toward change.

  • Ease in giving up control.

  • Trust in the process.

Signs of Emergency

  • Inner experiences are dynamic, jarring, difficult to integrate.

  • New spiritual insights may be philosophically challenging.

  • Overwhelming influx of experiences and insights.

  • Experiences are jolting tremors, shaking, energy disruptive.

  • Inner experiences interrupt and disturb daily life.

  • Abrupt, rapid shift in perception of self and world.

  • Resistance to change.

  • Need to be in control.

  • Dislike, mistrust the process.

  • Experiences are overwhelming and often unwelcome.

  • Positive experiences are difficult to accept, seem undeserved, can be painful.

  • Frequent need to discuss experiences.

  • Indiscriminate communication about process.

why holomind therapy

Being on a path of spiritual emergence such as practicing Yoga or Buddhism or being a Meditator, can be hugely transformative and help you remember your truth. However, these "expeditions" into the self can also be incredibly challenging. They can bring up old or new trauma, confront your ego, and bring on a myriad of fears. Some people experience the unknown thrusted upon them through a spiritual emergency, Near Death Experience, trauma, and more. Many people with these experiences grapple with making meaning out them and adjusting to daily life. I strive to help you process these unique events in an affirming environment and provide the support you need along your journey.

Discovery call

Book a 15-minute no fee consultation with Rachel Davis to discuss your interest and needs. This is an initial opportunity for us to determine if this therapy is a fit for your goals. Please bring your questions and schedule a Discovery Call.

HoloMind Therapy doorway to wholeness

Who I work with

Specifically, I work with individual adults who are experiencing distress, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, panic, old psychological wounds either from and or relating to the following experiences: 

  • Individuals practicing a spiritual discipline like Yoga, Shamanism, or a Mystery tradition that accesses states of non-duality.

  • Psycho-spiritual adventurers such as Spiritual Seekers, Meditators.

  • People who've experienced Near Death Experiences (NDE's), Out of Body Experiences (OBE's), or other life recall.

  • Individuals impacted by spiritual emergence or emergency, an existential crisis, or death anxiety.

  • Changemakers and people wanting to consciously evolve our world.

  • Individuals who experience anomalous phenomena.

  • People who want a safe and affirming place to talk about these types of experiences, beliefs, and practices.

Lean in
to the 
of self-


Personally, I’ve always been passionate about psycho-spiritual adventures and traveled into a variety of interesting landscapes myself. I know from personal and professional experience that these expeditions can be very challenging at times. These journeys can bring up a variety of mental health concerns like...trauma, anxiety, depression, and more.


My desire as a psychotherapist is to support you, in a nonjudgmental and affirming way, along your unique journey so you don’t feel alone and you can process through the challenges to integrate them into the whole of who you are and the strength of who you are becoming. I trust that these expeditions offer a rare and beautiful gift…the gift of Self-discovery.

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